Memory Tracks
" L e s C h e m i n s d e l a M e m o i r e "
Normandy Battlefields Tours
" Memory Tracks "
Memory Tracks offers you to follow in the footsteps of those who were actors or witnesses of the mightiest military operation of all time: D-Day landings in Normandy, on June 6th 1944.
On this day, close to 6900 vessels, more than 11 000 planes and gliders and 132 000 soldiers storm the coast of the Calvados and Manche regions. An event anticipated and awaited for years by the European populations enslaved by the Nazi regime, but also, in the East, by the soviet army at war with Germany for over 36 months.
In 2024, we offer 3 main tours, all very comprehensive and thorough.
There is also the added possibility of creating, with you and for you, completely customized tours.
We will thus take you to the sites where, parachuted or airborne carried aboard gliders, airborne troops got positioned in the middle of the night several kilometers inland, and delivered the first combats over 6 hours before the naval assault was unleashed.
You will also discover – or rediscover – the beaches on which, at the earliest hours of the morning, in ice cold water and under enemy fire, thousands of young people soared – most of which had prior never step foot on European soil.
You will have the possibility to visit the major remnants of the Atlantic Wall, and of course, to gather in these deeply moving places of memory - the military cemeteries - unfortunately numerous in Normandy.
Along the way, we will punctuate our “travel through time” on stops where we will show you photographs taken during combat, on the very spot you are standing 80 later.
Guaranteed surprises and emotions…
If you want to know more about the spirit in which we created Memory Tracks, click HERE
- Our Vehicle -
We have chosen a Peugeot "Traveller" to take you on the roads of Normandy and make you live this historical experience that we hope unforgettable.
Safe, comfortable and able to accommodate a maximum of 8 passengers, it is the ideal vehicle to fully enjoy this day.
So… Welcome aboard ?!
Memory Tracks